At PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind), every year the Walimatussafar Haji tradition is held, a symbolic send-off for Rekind employees and their subsidiaries who are ‘invited’ by Allah SWT to be His best guests to Baitullah.

This annual tradition moment also provides a portrait of the strong ties of closeness and family in the work environment of Rekind and its subsidiaries. The Walimatussafar Haji activity was attended by a number of high-ranking officials from Rekind and its subsidiaries. They were there to provide a special spirit, as well as send off the employees who would carry out worship for 40 days in the holy land. Centered at the Ulul Albab Mosque, Rekind Head Office, Jl. East Kalibata I/36, South Jakarta.

The Walimatussafar Haji activity was initiated by the Ulul Albab Ta’lim Council (MTUA), led directly by the Director of Operations & Technology/development of Rekind Yusairi, witnessed by the President Director of Rekind Triyani Utaminingsih, SVP Corporate Secretary & Legal who also serves as Chair of MTUA Trustees Edy Sutrisman, Accompanied by EVP Operation and General Chair of MTUA M. Darma Setiawan, as well as a number of high-ranking Subsidiary officials.

Yusairi in his speech advised the congregation to specifically prepare all the necessities to support or facilitate the implementation of worship. Moreover, the Muslim community invited to Baitullah were ‘chosen’ people with various virtues. Of course, when you leave, you must be accompanied by feelings of joy and deep gratitude.

The manifestation of gratitude is by continuing to strive to be a good servant of Allah, including thoughts, words, behavior and actions that cannot be separated from Allah SWT’s law. “I ask that you send your prayers and best wishes, while in front of the Kaaba, for the blessings of the company where we work and for this nation. “After returning to our homeland, hopefully the Hajj pilgrims can always provide an example for all of us in our morals and worship,” he said.


This year, Rekind and its subsidiaries are releasing 23 employees who will go on Hajj. They consist of Ira Damayanti, along with her husband and children (Rekind), Evita Ardianti and her husband (RE), Henny Firdayani (Rekind), Dedik Cahyono and his wife (Rekind), Guruh Darsono and his wife (Rekind) Junaedi and his wife (Rekind), Maspuri and his wife (Rekind), M. Choirul Imam and his wife (Rekind), Eko Prasetyo and his wife (Rekind), Triana and his wife (Rekind), Kris Joko and his wife (Rekind), Gatot Prasetyo and his wife (Rekind) Teguh Dinar and his wife ( Rekind), Erwin Talib and his wife (Rekind) Soliha (MTUA), Nardi and his wife (Rekind), Mustomid (RE), Aep Saepudin and his mother (RE), Dendy Indriya Efendi (RE), Herry Harispan and his wife (PIN), Dodi Suprianto and his wife (Rekind), Diki Sulaeman and his wife (Rekind).

This activity became colorful when Triyani Utaminingsih and Yusairi sent off the prospective pilgrims by giving special gifts as a form of support and closeness within the Rekind family and its subsidiaries.

The activity, which was also attended by employees and the families of prospective pilgrims, closed with Tausiyah, prayer and group photos. We hope that prospective Rekind Hajj pilgrims will be given convenience and be blessed with good health in carrying out their worship and return to their homeland with the proud ‘title’ of being a mabrur hajj. Amen…Amen, O Rabbal Alaamin.