PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) has again won a prestigious award. This subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia is considered one of the industrial service companies that have a big role in driving the development of national industry to operate effectively, efficiently, integrative, and comprehensively.

This company which operates in the field of EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) services is also considered capable of supporting the activities of the energy sector and processing industry as well as other sectors to make a high contribution to the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Deemed to have a very strategic role, Rekind was awarded the 2024 Indonesia Industrial Services Awards (idSAs) by the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita.

The award ceremony was held in the Garuda Room, Fl. 2, Ministry of Industry Building, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, was received directly by the President Director of Rekind Triyani Utaminingsih.

“This is a very proud award and is in line with our commitment, struggle, and hard work, especially in encouraging the acceleration of national industrial development. “In carrying out the mandated work, Rekind involves many industrial players in the country,” said Triyani Utaminingsih after receiving the award, Tuesday (23/7).

Apart from receiving the 2024 IdSAs award, Rekind also had the honor to deliver a presentation with the theme “Opportunities and Challenges of the EPC Services Industry” delivered by EVP Operation Rekind M. Darma Setiawan.

In his presentation, apart from playing a strategic role in driving national industry, Rekind also has a strong commitment to carrying out government mandates through the Domestic Component Level (TKDN).

In every project activity carried out by Rekind, the realized TKDN value reaches 30% to 50%, in fact almost all projects exceed the TKDN commitment limit specified in the contract. This is the strategic role of Rekind as a National EPC company, in supporting national development and driving the industrial sector in the country.