Through its Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) role, PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) is committed to supporting the development of agriculture and food security in Indonesia through its active participation in the AKSI Program (All Human Collaboration Event) held by PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero). 

During the Agricultural ACTION program, which was, held for 4th days, Rekind employees, represented by Mutholib Abidin from the IFS Division, lived in Dieng Kulon Village RT03/02, at the residence of Potato Farmer Majiyanto with his family. Through this relationship, a nuance of familiarity and connection is created, between the two parties. Through this interaction, employees not only, learn about effective agricultural techniques but, also understand what farmers face in running their farming businesses. 

In this situation, all Pupuk Indonesia Group employees do not focus on the technical aspects of agriculture but also pay attention to the welfare of farmers. In this context, Rekind employees who take, part in this program also hand over official travel allowances to farmers whose homes they live in. It is, hoped that this pocket money will provide additional financial support for farmers and improve their welfare during the program. 

As a form of real support, Pupuk Indonesia, through Rekind, also donated a number of agricultural tools, needed by farmers. These tools are expected to increase efficiency and productivity in agricultural activities. Apart from that, to support environmental sustainability, Rekind also plants hedge trees as part of conservation efforts, which function, to protect agricultural land and support biodiversity.

“This activity is part of Rekind’s commitment under the auspices of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) to contribute to sustainable development and community empowerment. “Through the AKSI program, we are trying to build a picture of farmers’ lives and establish mutually beneficial partnerships between companies and farmers,” said SVP Corporate Secretary Rekind Edy Sutrisman.

Participation in the AKSI Program is in line with Rekind’s commitment to improving people’s living standards through developing the agricultural sector. By being directly involved in agricultural activities, Rekind hopes to have a positive impact and create sustainable solutions to the challenges faced in this sector. “With this approach, Rekind not only contributes to the company’s business sector but also creates food security and a more sustainable and competitive agricultural sector.