“We really appreciate this synergy process, especially for the smooth running of the JTB well pre-production process, in which Rekind is the main contractor engineering-procurement-construction (EPC) GPF,” said Dundi Insan Perlambang.
JTB is one of the national strategic projects (PSN) of the oil and gas sector which was established by President Joko Widodo through Presidential Decree 109 of 2020. The role of the JTB project will be able to contribute greatly to increasing national oil and gas production. Jambaran-Tiung Biru itself contains important values for the economy of the Central Java and East Java regions, as an effort to support the national economy. The active production in the field is also believed to be able to help fulfill gas in the electricity sector, in supporting optimization for industrial, transportation, MSME and household commercial improvements.
“The commissioning process and synergy with Rekind is a shared commitment to maintain national oil and gas production in order to meet the target. PGN will also manage gas from JTB around 192 BBTUD,” said M. Haryo Yunianto, PGN President Director).