Positive appreciation also came from both internal and external stakeholders of the company. And to be proud, the idea and implementation of this event, almost 100 percent crewed by Rekind’s best millennials from a number of company lines. This illustrates the efforts to continue to improve togetherness and independence within the Rekind staffs. The hope is that this togetherness can lift the spirit even higher in facing the complex challenges. So as to be able to move steadily to continue to realize the best existence of the company for the nation and state.

“I am proud of the great works that Rekind has produced over the past 40 years. Rekind is not only able to work on large projects, but has also become a strong company and is increasingly recognized both at the regional and global levels,” said President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia, Achmad Bakir.

The President Director of Rekind, Triyani Utaminingsih, conveyed a similar expression. According to him, the values that have been achieved by Rekind are important to be further improved, especially so that they can become pillars in responding to all the challenges faced.
“With great enthusiasm to maintain Rekind’s competence and existence, God willing, we believe, we can all get out of the strong grip of the challenges we are currently facing,”

A number of former Rekind leaders also took part in this activity, such as Triharyo Indrawan, Alex Dharma Balen, Jobi Triananda Hasjim and several other former high-ranking officials. Triharyo Indrawan, the former President Director of Rekind, who is familiarly called Mr. Hengki, came with a mix of ‘positive energy’ exposure that inspired and motivated all Rekind people. In his presentation, the Expert Staff at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources gave views and projections that Rekind could do in the next 5 to 20 years.

Hopefully through this activity we can increase the spirit of solidity, togetherness and kinship which has been Rekind’s best provision in treading its path forever.