“For those of us on the project site, the success of this activity brings pride. In addition to showing Rekind’s strong commitment and professionalism, this stage is very decisive in the completion of project activities. And thank God, everything went smoothly, according to what we all hoped for,” said Budi Prianto, Project Manager of GPF – JTB.

Prior to Chemical Cleaning, the steam generated from the Boiler serves to clean the gas line pipes that use pressurized steam through steam blowing. After cleaning, adaptation or adjustment is carried out, then this GTG is used to supply power during chemical cleaning. “So the milestones from Buyback Gas are for chemical cleaning,” continued Gito Waluyo. If the chemical cleaning process has been completed, it means that GPF JTB is ready to operate, especially after the entire pipe is cleaned using flushing and blowing. After cleaning everything, the instrumentation system and shut down system are checked. After all have fulfilled the plan, proceed with the simulation process. So the gas pipeline operation is ready to run.
Actually, for this stage, in moving the boiler and GTG can use diesel fuel as another alternative. But the costs that must be incurred are quite large and the diesel used is not arbitrary and the quality must be guaranteed. That’s why gas is chosen which in addition to being more efficient, cleaner (eco-friendly) is also relatively cheaper. “Even so, trials at the stage using diesel have been carried out. The results are also very good and according to the plan, “said Budi Prianto.

In addition to producing clean gas (sales gas), the JTB Plant will also produce by-products that can also be used or sold, namely condensate and sulfuric acid.
The involvement in the GPF-JTB project shows Rekind’s real role in supporting government programs, especially in terms of the utilization of gas resources. “In the end, all of these processes will lead to supporting the country’s economy through the fertilizer industry in particular, by distributing gas to fertilizer factories which are one of the pillars supporting national food security,” he added.