On October 25, 2021, Rekind together with the international and local contractors succeeded in installing a Propane/Propylene Splitter whose dimensions reached 111.04 meters high x 7.52 meters x 7.74 meters with a total weight of 752.6 tons in the Propylene Recovery Unit (PRU) area. ).
Column Propane’ or ‘Propylene Splitter’ is a very vital equipment and functions to separate propylene products from propane products.
The installation of this unit with the tag number C-063-06 also has a major contribution to the progress of the RDMP Project in general. The Propylene Splitter installation procedure was carried out supported by careful planning by JO experts.

The President Director of PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (KPB), Feri Yani, emphasized that the progress achieved from the arrival of Propylene Splitter to erection equipment contributed 0.15% to the overall project progress of the Balikpapan RDMP which currently reaches 42.57%.
Hopefully in the future the National Strategic Project carried out by experts from JO RDMP Balikpapan, will be able to answer the challenges of meeting national energy needs