The first harvest of Pakcoy Hydroponics was symbolically carried out by the President Director of Rekind Triyani Utaminingsih, accompanied by the Director of Operations and Technology/Development Yusairi and SVP Corporate Secretary & Legal, Edy Sutrisman. It was also witnessed by a number of employees from several divisions at Rekind.

The basic idea of developing hydroponic plants at Rekind’s home office was directly stated by Triyani Utamingsih. The idea was based on his experience about 1.5 years ago when he participated in the Hydropinic Plant Harvest Festival in the area of RT03/01 Pengadegan, Pancoran, South Jakarta. At that time, in this activity, Rekind was developing an environmental development program through hydroponic plants. Through this activity, it is believed to be able to help the community, especially in increasing food security and opening up job opportunities for the community, especially those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.