This noble effort was illustrated when the nation’s EPC company supported 100 orphans in RW 08, Kalibata Village, Pancoran, South Jakarta. The symbolic handing over of aid was centered at the Nursyafiuddin Mosque in the RW 08 area, which was led directly by Herman Susatyo – VP Community Development & CSR Rekind. The event which had great significance was also attended by Marzuki, the Head of RW 0 8, Kalibata, a number of figures and representatives of orphaned children, Thursday (11/8).
This RW 08 area is the closest neighborhood to Home Office Rekind. So that sharing activities have been closely int
ertwined for decades. This activity was carried out as a reflection of the strong synergy between Rekind and the community. Because, without strong support and cooperation, it is impossible to create a safe and conducive atmosphere. This conducive situation is closely related to the sustainability of Rekind.

“This donation is a form of our concern for the community, especially for orphans who really need our help. Never do this situation make us feel discouraged and complain. In fact, this sharing activity can become a field of charity for all of us and open the door of convenience, especially in order to motivate ourselves to continue to work better, “explained the President Director of Rekind Triyani Utaminingsih in a separate place.

“Hopefully, through this donation, we can ‘knock’ on heaven’s door so that Rekind can soon be free from the big challenge it is facing. Because of the prayers for the orphans, Allah SWT will grant it, “said Herman Susatyo.