PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) held a ceremony to commemorate the Birth of Pancasila, which was held at ROB 2 Field, Jalan Kalibata Timur I, No. 38 Kalibata, South Jakarta. Led directly by the President Director of Rekind, Triyani Utaminingsih, as the ceremony inspector, who was attended by the entire board of directors, staff, employees and subsidiaries.

The ceremony, which was commanded by Yusman Zendrato – Acting Director of YIN, was solemn. There were a number of messages conveyed by Triyani Utaminingsih in a series of activities held every June 1.

Triyani Utaminingsih in her speech emphasized the spirit of commemorating the birth of Pancasila, fostering a sense of mutual assistance, togetherness and concern for others. Mutual cooperation teaches all components of the nation, including Rekindist, to work together to achieve common goals. Of course, regardless of social, religious or cultural differences. In the context of building civilization, mutual cooperation plays a very important role. In fact, the value of mutual cooperation is also one of the values ​​in the BUMN company culture, AKHLAK, namely collaboration.

“An advanced and sustainable civilization requires the active participation of every individual. We cannot just rely on one party or group to achieve our goals. “Through the spirit of mutual cooperation, we can build a strong and inclusive foundation to create a just and sustainable civilization,” said the woman who is familiarly called Yani.

Not only in the national scope, mutual cooperation also has great relevance in global growth. In this increasingly connected era, countries are interconnected and influence each other.

“We must be able to work together with other countries in facing global challenges, such as climate change, poverty and inequality. “Through the spirit of mutual cooperation, we can overcome these problems together and create sustainable growth for the whole world,” he said.