PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) has established educational collaboration with Sebelas Maret State University (UNS), Solo, Central Java. The direction of this collaboration is to improve student competency, especially at the Faculty of Engineering, UNS.

This collaboration certainly provides added value and pride for Rekind, especially in being able to show its greater role in supporting government programs to improve the quality of education in the country.

In this collaboration, Rekind will make an important breakthrough through the transfer of knowledge and experience in the field of design and industrial engineering which it has held for almost 43 years.

“Today’s activity is a great honor and a proud moment. “Rekind is again trusted to be actively involved in education, teaching, and research activities, to improve the competency of Sebelas Maret State University students,” said President Director of Rekind Triyani Utaminingsih, in his speech during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding at the UNS Campus, Wednesday (22/5).

Triyani Utaminingsih emphasized that the trust given will encourage the enthusiasm of all Rekind people to work even harder through increasing competence and innovation to answer the big, dynamic challenges in the EPC industry today.

Rekind believes that improving the quality of human resources will continue to increase from time to time, as long as these human resources always have the opportunity to receive good and appropriate learning activities.

“This concept is what Rekind believes can master and develop knowledge and technology in the EPC field,” added Tiryani Utaminingsih in front of Plt. Deputy Chancellor IV UNS Head of Planning, Cooperation, Business, and Information Prof. Irwan Trinugroho, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D., representing the Acting Chancellor of UNS Dr. Chatariina Muliana, SH, SE, and several campus academics.

The ‘learning by doing’ process has been proven by Rekind to be able to demonstrate its existence and become the only national company operating in the nation’s EPC sector.

This huge potential through sharing information, knowledge, and cooperation must continue to be exploited to be able to provide support to work on and realize the nation’s potential so that it can move the economic-business sector in Indonesia to an even greater extent.

“Hopefully the hard work and efforts we make together will make a big contribution to this country in improving the quality of life of the nation,” she hoped.